I always find it so fascinating when I see people really go at it with their terminal, remembering all these commands and such...
I've come to remember a few over time (due to repeated use), but nothing close to what I've seen from others.
terminal stuffsss
Some of the ones I tend to remember:
- ls => lists what's in the directory
- cd => changes directory, ie: cd ~ (home dir), or cd .. (which moves up on directory)
- mkdir => make directory
- rm => remove file
- touch => creates file, ie: touch file123.txt
- ctrl + c => exits
- clear or cmd + k => clears terminal
- tail => output last part of file
- head => output first part of file
Then there's some I, maybe, saw at some point and forgot or just plain didn't know:
- echo => repeats input
- rmdir => removes directory, directory needs to be empty
- man => gives you info on command, ie: man ssh
- cat => shows all file contents
- less => shows file contents by page
- ls -la => lists directory contents + those hidden
- pwd => prints working directory
- chown => changes owner
- / some-char-here, ie: /-l => finds keyword within vim file
- chmod => change mode (changes to permissions)
- sudo!! => shortcut, will run last command as sudo
vim stuffsss
Something I remember giving me anxiety when I first encountered it was vim... and by this I mean when I was staring at what clearly was a file but in the terminal and I needed to either edit or like leave and didn't know how (obvi the internet or kind soul came to the rescue)
- vi => i believe this one opens a file, ie: vi someFile
- i => insert mode (you'll be able to edit in this mode)
- esc => get out of edit mode so you can save/exit
- :wq => this saves your edits and quits/exits out
- :q => this one just quits/exits (no saving here)
- :q! => if you get stuck (lol)
shell stuffsss
Since this is all about terminals, how about shells... there's zsh
and bash
. Wanna see your current shell?
echo $0
echo $SHELL
Your shell config may be a place where you edit/add themes, ie: https://ohmyz.sh or for getting your nvm path all sorted.